Thứ Sáu, tháng 4 07, 2006

Just the usual ranting

Damn it a really bad night, after many hours on solidworks went round in a big circle and got know where it would seem, I still have much to do. It’s so frustrating and I am quite behind on what I said I’d do in my brief, at this rate I’m not going to have time to do the one fun thing about cad the rendering.

I wish I could be more apathetic and stop caring; caring is just bad when it makes you feel like crap why should I care about CAD at all? Or even better if there was a switch inside your head that you could turn off and stop feeling so stuff wont matter at all. Or that you could just throw all the crap feelings away.

I really think that we should photocopy some of the pages out of Kim’s quit smoking Christian book and put them around your office Liam, now you’ve stopped liking it, you can find religion and quit smoking is there no down side?

I find that quite amusing actually like finding faith will solve all your problems, I think that’s because so many things are sinful that you’re so limited in what you can do… But many people actually do find their happiness that they look for; I don’t think I’d have that much faith to believe everything without questioning it all.

Well if anybody wants to see what I’m up to for studies check my blog out.
I’ll post up more on this blog later when my head clears if that is at all possible, I seriously think that soildworks has this evil curse around it for me as when I use it I always feel so bad.